Home > OUCU > Resources > Forms > IRA Certificate Application

IRA Certificate Application

* Required Fields

This form is for OUCU members who would like to open an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) certificate under their existing credit union account number. This is a secure site and your transmission will be encrypted.

When you have completed the form, press the SUBMIT button to send your certificate request for processing. If you have any questions, please call us at (740) 597-2800 or (800) 562-8420 during regular business hours.

IRA Certificate Rates
About IRAs

IRA Certificates have individual ownership. The beneficiary on the certificate will be the same as indicated on your IRA Passbook.

Please Select one of the following:
Select one of the following:
(Contributions made from January 1 to April 15 of the current may be credited to the previous year.)

Social Security Number:
Date of Birth:
 /   / 

We will begin processing this request upon receiving it during regular business hours and will mail you a certificate shortly thereafter. If you are mailing us a check, we will open the certificate when we receive the funds. If the credit union does not receive your funds within five (5) business days, the interest rate in effect on the date the credit union receives your deposit will apply. Thank you.

Checks can be mailed to:

OUCU Financial
ATTN: Membership Services
944 E State St.
Athens, OH 45701

Security Code:

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